going deeper ..

Christine provides deep, powerful soul healing that allows you to go deeper into the matter of your own self and figure out the cause of any issues. The session might include coaching, counselling, trauma therapy, energy healing and or spiritual messages.

A soul healing session can help with:

  • reconnecting to your self
  • seeing your own situation clearly
  • having a new feeling of identity and confidence
  • communicating boundaries
  • dissolving deep-rooted life patterns
  • understanding anger, anxiety or sadness

A session takes about 90 mins and costs 80 euros / session. 

the fractured soul

Traumatic experiences leave us with a fractured psyche and different parts of our selves: the healthy self, traumatised parts and survival parts. 

Trauma therapy is a great method to uncover:

  • reasons for feeling stuck or blocked
  • the deeper meaning of physical symptoms or pain
  • triggers in recurring and challenging situations
  • hidden meaning and issues in professional relationships as well as with loved ones

The parts we encounter are stuck at the age or time we experienced trauma. The traumatised parts are often shy or frightened and hard to connect with. The survival parts are mostly smart and competent, until we try to get a better look at the trauma. It is trying to safe us from taking a closer look at the trauma, so it starts to distract us or convince us not to look at the trauma. This survival part was critical to us in our experience but it keeps us from healing now and often shows up as our resistance to do the work, be on time or even show up at all. So it is our mission to bypass this guardian angel, to see what we would have needed during our traumatic experience and give our selves the peace of knowing that we can have it now.

You yourself will be interviewing your parts and try to figure out what they need and want to come to a resolution for you. But you won’t have to do it on your own. I will be there every step of the way.

My healing work combines trauma therapy with spiritual pre-Celtic intuitive healing. 

energetic healing

Energy work starts with a simple touch from mother to child or friend to friend. In much subtler and more powerful ways energy can be directed with intention.
Healers in many old traditions knew how to manipulate energy, how to intensify, soften or redirect it.
Christine is working in the healing tradition of the Tuathe Dé Danann going back 7000 years, one of the first tribes that settled in the land of Eire.

The energy harmonises body, mind and soul when:

  • overthinking, to release mental blocks and worry
  • in physical pain anywhere in the body
  • physical imprints of physical trauma
  • in emotional turbulence (heaviness, density, numbness, sadness, anger etc.)
  • clearing remnants of medical treatments and vaccinations
  • balancing energy centres.

spiritual messages

People (including me) have travelled to the farthest places to get guidance and direction from mystic oracles, spiritual teachers or wise sages. But what if the answer actually really lies within? What if no one else really could tell you what to do or what your purpose in life is but yourself?

What if there was a way to consult your soul?
With your permission, I will connect to your soul or spirit and be ready for your questions.
This is not divination or fortune telling.

What you can expect of the message you receive will help you to:

  • change perspective,
  • navigate a situation to your personal best outcome,
  • lead you into a place of growth and
  • shine a light on the deeper meaning of what is invisible to the on-looker.

Besides the spoken words these messages have healing, energizing and re-vitalizing effects on the recipient. 

healing practice

To make sure you get what you need and want, I will explain what I can and will do as well as what I cannot and won’t do. 

I am here to listen and guide you with all my love and compassion and to the best of my ability. Still you are in the driver’s seat. Your work with me and all results or changes from it are in your hands.

I respect your boundaries and kindly ask you to respect mine. When we work together I will use 100% of my expertise, knowledge and skill to support you.

I will not leave my field of knowledge or venture into  unsafe methodical territory.

Stone Circle 1

Whatever is shared with me in a therapeutic setting will be subject to absolute confidentiality. 

During the work parts of yourself (that you will give a voice to) might try to tell you what to do, give unsolicited advise, comment, judge or criticise you. This is a part of the process.

However, I will not give any advise, opinion, criticism or judgement.

The work I do is designed to go deeper. I will help you to uncover the root of your situation, if you wish to do so. The things you learn along the way may be painful or heavy, but will also dissolve symptoms, free you from childhood patterns and programming and give you back the freedom to make choices in your life.

The topics, depth and pace of your process is in your hands and. I work as a facilitator and will help you find your path. It is up to you to walk your path, but I will be there in the moments, you might feel lost, discouraged, confused or stuck, to help you on.

I will provide a safe space for you to work in. This includes zero-tolerance for alcohol or recreational drugs during the process.


I am looking forward to hold space for you at Danú Wellness in Midleton or online.
(On special request house calls possible restricted to limited driving distance).

Book online directly into Christine’s calendar: